Předcházející kapitola : The beginnings of cartography
Následující kapitola : Medieval cartography

1.2.2. Cartography of the Ancient world

Thirty years ago, most lectures on Ancient cartography were focused on Europe – they dealt with geographic knowledge of Ancient Greece, described Roman cartography and usually finished with the Byzantines.

Nowadays, we also try to pay due attention to other mapping traditions, which ceased to be considered less important than European cartographies. Definitions of maps and mapping have significantly widened. At present, mental maps or maps recorded by oral presentation are perceived as equal to their handwritten of printed counterparts. Even if we concentrate only on printed maps, there are many other cultures that have to be taken into account.

clay tablet Ga-SurInterpretation
Fig.2.2: Map on the clay tablet (Ga-Sur city)
Předcházející kapitola : The beginnings of cartography
Následující kapitola : Medieval cartography

Multimediální učebnice Kartografie a Geoinformatiky,
© Obsah: V. Kaplan, K. Keprtová, M. Konečný, Z. Stachoň, K. Tajovská
© Design: Z. Podhrázský, Z. Stachoň
Geografický ústav PřF MU Brno, Kotlářská 2, Brno 611 37, Tel. (+420) 549 49 4925