1. Cartography
This multimedia textbook “Cartography and geoinformatics” was elaborated within the frame of project FRVŠ 1334/2005 and will be gradually supplemented and updated. The main reason for creation of this textbook was the fact that current study materials include mainly textbooks of cartography published in early 1980’s that are nowadays available only in libraries in a small number of copies, and therefore unavailable for most students. There are also several monographic university textbooks focused on geographic information systems published at different universities. Their quality and extent of covered subject is variable as they were often written by non-cartographers.
There are already many foreign textbooks (including electronic textbooks) covering this topic, which merge basics of cartographic visualization with the use of GIS (modern electronic systems for storage, maintenance and analysis of geospatial data).
Classical cartography has nowadays reached another milestone in its development – it is perceived as a scientific discipline with its subject located on the boundaries of technical, natural, and social sciences and it makes an effort to utilize its multi-disciplinary character in many areas. Its interconnection with geoinformation technologies provides a powerful tool for support of decision-making in crisis situations, landscape modeling, analyses and forecasting of future development. It can be utilized in every situation where it is necessary to visualize information on spatial distribution (geospatial information). Therefore, it is appropriate to include this variability of the scientific field of cartography (including cognitive approach and individualization) in education from the very beginning. In this way, students will learn to use its entire potential (not just traditional, “classical” cartography).