Předcházející kapitola : INTRODUCTION TO CARTOGRAPHY
Následující kapitola : Position of cartography in the system of sciences
Následující kapitola : Position of cartography in the system of sciences
1.1.1. Basic definitions
During its historic development, cartography has been divided into several cartographic disciplines. They can be classified from several points of view.
CARTOGRAPHY is the science of making any map, embracing all phases of work from surveying to map printing.
(United Nations, Department of Social Affairs, 1949)
CARTOGRAPHY is the science of displaying and studying spatial distribution, connections and mutual relationships of natural and social phenomena (and their changes in time) with the use of special pictorial-character models – cartographic projection.
(Salychev, 1976)
CARTOGRAPHY is a scientific discipline dealing with depiction of earth surface and celestial bodies and objects, phenomena occurring on them and their relations in the form of a cartographic work, and also with the set of activities related to elaboration and utilization of maps.
(Czech National Standard ČSN 73 0406 - Cartographic nomenclature, 1984)
More than 300 definitions word MAP you can find on the website created by J.H. Andrews.
A MAP is a visual representation of an area—a symbolic depiction highlighting relationships between elements of that space such as objects, regions, and themes.
(Wikipedia - the free encyklopedia)
An ATLAS is a collection of maps, traditionally bound into book form, but also found in multimedia formats. As well as geographic features and political boundaries, many often feature geopolitical, social, religious and economic statistics.
(Wikipedia - the free encyklopedia)
A GLOBE is a three-dimensional scale model of Earth (terrestrial globe) or other spheroid celestial body such as a planet, star, or moon.
(Wikipedia - the free encyklopedia)
Předcházející kapitola : INTRODUCTION TO CARTOGRAPHY
Následující kapitola : Position of cartography in the system of sciences
Následující kapitola : Position of cartography in the system of sciences